How to avoid a hangover

How to avoid a hangover

Although I'm a naturopath who enjoys healthy living, I still enjoy a glass of pinot noir from time to time. I've had my fair share of hangovers and know that I may have a few wines over the festive season and get to experience one again.

But a hangover doesn’t have to be a total day killer, so say goodbye to the necessity of a 3am kebab run to coat that aching stomach. Here are some natural, simple ways to avoid those head-in-a-blender hangovers.

Stay hydrated
Hydration means more than guzzling 2 litres of water at the end of the night in a last minute attempt to save yourself from the aftermath. Its best to get hydrated before a big night out, so during the day leading up to it challenge yourself to drinking at least 2-3 litres of fresh filtered water. And to ensure that don't flush out valuable electrolytes, add a pinch salt with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to your water bottle.

Eat your greens
Making sure to include a multitude of leafy green vegetables into your diet in the lead up to a big night can help to keep a headache away. The reason for this is due to their content of B vitamins and multitude of antioxidants which aid in the metabolism of alcohol. It is important to try to have enough B vitamins to share around, so don’t skimp on your servings! B vitamins are water-soluble, so the body doesn’t store them for long, and prefers to use them for normal functions like metabolising carbohydrates as opposed to saving your sorry backside from too many cocktails. 

Get your beauty sleep
A night out often means getting home in the early hours of the morning, by which time you would likely have been awake for 20+ hours. And your body doesn’t forget the sleep you deprive it of. Sleep is essentially the only time our bodies get to just relax, and not getting enough can place stress on the immune system. Try to get an extra hour or so of sleep on the days leading up to a big night so that you don’t end up catching more than a nasty hangover the next day.

Take your supplements
If you want to take hangover avoidance to the next level, consider supplementing with liver supporting herbs and nutrients such as Milk thistle, globe artichoke, and vitamins B6, B9 and B12 on a regular basis. Or better yet get around Morlife's Liv'A Detox powder which contains all of these goodies and more to keep your liver loving you despite your drinking habits. Otherwise you know the drill – eat a substantial meal prior to drinking, don’t mix drinks, and remember jeggings are not appropriate leg wear for any occasion. Have a great night!

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